Media Kit

Founding Member and Manager:
  • Seth Hollist is the Founding Member and Manager of the Rotisory Foundation LLC. He has been interested in publishing uplifting, creative, technical, and even poetic (among other types) of literature since he was a young teenager. An IT Computer Administrator by trade, Seth has been writing technical documentation for many years. More recently Seth wrote a political column for (which no longer exists) and even ran for office as a Libertarian in 2012. Seth has since decided to venture out on his own to produce copyright and other publications that he fills will help him achieve his goals of being a positive influence for change and enlightenment of the world. Check the home page for a list of all current publications and contributions.
Trademark images:
    • The name Spaldäm is an original creation by the Founder of the Rotisory Foundation LLC. The name was produced in a High School English class in 1993 when the topic of the day was "coining words". It has since been used as a nickname and on-line alias.
    • The Rotisory Penguin. The Penguin is a sign of the Linux OS, a free and open operating system that embodies a lot of the ideas we like here and at the Rotisory Foundation. The hard drive Armature/Rotor that it holds is described below.
    • The computer hard-drive Armature/Rotor represents a simplistic physical manifestation of the concept of a Rotisory (another word coined by the Founder).
    • The kaleidoscope imaginary of the back of a computer motherboard with copper circuitry represents the complex and often programmed nature of life and the sub-conscience, as well as the beauty that can be manifest when we find our own unique balance and symmetry.

What is a "Rotisory Foundation", here are some definitions:

Ro·ti·sor·y (row-te-sore-ee):
  1. noun, a dynamic, fluid, and sphere-like object that absorbs anything thrown into it and uses it to make itself better stronger, and more versatile.
  2. adjective, the condition of being a well-rounded and versatile person, thing or object able to learn from mistakes, and grow to overcome obstacles.
  3. verb, acting or reacting to situations in the best possible manner with a balanced approach.
Foun·da·tion (foun-dey-shun):
  1. noun, the basis or groundwork for the morals of a person, society, or religion.

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